Organizers Looking for Sports-Related Goodies for a Good Cause!
As the 2014-2014 President of NAPO Houston, I’m hoping to lead our group of professional organizers in the direction of community connectedness. We each help individuals, families and businesses get organized, but there’s such a value in working together. We learn techniques and skills from one another at our monthly meetings, but there are so many opportunities to mentor new organizers and to help a broader audience if we provide support to one another. Subcontracting is a great way to help build and sharing referrals to related small businesses is another.
Many of our clients are busy and simply need some extra hands on deck, or they may have time but need assistance in planning their move or their new kitchen cabinet setup. They are looking for professionals with ethics and understanding of how families and people relate on a daily basis. It’s an interesting puzzle for many, but a wonderful avenue for creative thinkers like the NAPO members here in Houston. Beyond “time-related” needs for organizers, there’s also a contingency of the public with hoarding issues which have recently been recognized as a mental health issue. We hope to extend our services to as many as we can to help meet these more serious needs as well , and we have several community-based volunteer projects planned for those unable to afford the services they need.
To kick off our new year (which starts in October) we’re doing a little something different for our members to get the excitement stirred for giving to each other and giving back to the community. We’re instituting a fun “game” for members to track their involvement in volunteer activities as well as work-related activities which better their skills or provide help to others.
As a non-profit organization, NAPO Houston doesn’t have a big budget to go along with our big ideas, so, in order to have some great items to give away for inspiration, we’re hoping some local friends and supporters might help us! We’d love to have some Texans tickets, maybe a jersey or ball cap…any sort of sports-related goodies to excite our attendees. We plan to mail out special invitations and provide publicity for any donations on our mailout as well in our email blasts, on our website and I’ll be announcing our thanks during the meeting as well.
If you or someone you know has anything which could fit our theme and you’d be willing to donate to our inspirational kickoff meeting, I’d be thrilled to have your participation. Please contact me at and I’ll make sure your donation is properly noted on our materials so the members and other attendees know you’re a part of our community and cheering us on from the sidelines!